4 de març del 2013

Talking about... The Great Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald

El proper dijous dia 7 de març a les 19h continuem el nostre 3r Cicle de tertúlies en anglès Talking about... Ens trobarem a la Biblioteca Pompeu Fabra per practicar l'anglès i parlar sobre aquest llibre i el seu autor.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Sept. 24, 1896, St. Paul, U.S.— Dec. 21, 1940, Hollywood, Calif.).

American short-story writer and novelist famous for his depictions of the Jazz Age (the 1920s). This Side of Paradise, his first novel, was in 1920 a revelation of the new morality of the young. With his wife Zelda Sayre and his daughter “Scottie” moved in 1924 to the Riviera and shortly after their arrival in France, Fitzgerald completed his most brilliant novel, The Great Gatsby (1925). Some of Fitzgerald’s finest short stories appeared in All the Sad Young Men (1926), but it was not until eight years later that another novel appeared. The next decade of the Fitzgerald’s lives was disorderly and unhappy. Fitzgerald began to drink too much, and Zelda had in 1930 a mental breakdown and in 1932 another, from which she never fully recovered. He did not finish his next novel, Tender Is the Night, until 1934. With its failure and his despair over Zelda, Fitzgerald was close to becoming an incurable alcoholic. By 1937, however, he had come back far enough to become a scriptwriter in Hollywood. In October 1939 he began a novel about Hollywood, The Last Tycoon but in 1940 died of a heart attack with his novel only half-finished. He was 44 years old.

The Great Gatsby

No one knew where Jay Gatsby had come from, or how he had become so rich. They just went to his fancy parties at his beautiful house, ate his food, and drank his wine. Jay Gatsby didn’t care. He cared about only one thing: Daisy Buchanan, and for her, he would do anything. Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan though. Will Daisy choose Tom or Gatsby, and will they live happily ever after?

Activitat a càrrec de Laura Patricio.

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