27 de maig del 2011

Talking about... The Turn of the Screw de Henry James

El proper dijous dia 2 de juny a les 19h continuem el nostre 1r Cicle de tertúlies en anglès Talking about... Ens trobarem per practicar l'anglès i parlar sobre aquest llibre i el seu autor a les 19h.

Henry James
(April 15, 1843 – February 28, 1916).

Henry James was an American-born writer, regarded as one of the key figures of 19th-century literary realism. He is primarily known for the series of novels in which he portrays the encounter of Americans with Europe and Europeans. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allows him to explore issues related to consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting.
James contributed significantly to literary criticism, particularly in his insistence that writers be allowed the greatest possible freedom in presenting their view of the world. James claimed that a text must first and foremost be realistic and contain a representation of life that is recognizable to its readers. Good novels, to James, show life in action and are, most importantly, interesting.
An extraordinarily productive writer, in addition to his voluminous works of fiction he published articles and books of travel, biography, autobiography, and criticism, and wrote plays, some of which were performed during his lifetime with moderate success. His theatrical work is thought to have profoundly influenced his later novels and tales.

The Turn of the Screw

A young woman arrives at a large country house. Her job is to look after the two children who live there, but she soon discovers that there is something very strange about both the house and the children. The longer she stays, the more she feels that the two children are in danger – or is it that the children are the danger, and the person in danger is herself?

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